
After Move: 10 Tips on Unpacking

Recently moved or planning to move?  Consider making the move easier by planning in advance.  Know where your boxes and furniture are going in the new place.  What are some features of your new environment that will help with organization? 

Take note of what you need to keep during this move versus what is no longer necessary.  Most of all, enlist help.  Don't try to do everything on your own.  Some people are able to adjust rather quickly to their new environments after a move, because they act fast on unpacking and have some idea on where to put things.  They are also willing to replace or do away with those annoying things that just don't serve a purpose any longer.

When you unpack, think about the following:

1.  Be sure all boxes are in designated rooms or pick one large room to store boxes.  This makes it easier to spot your important things without having to look everywhere to find them.

2.  Open boxes based on immediate need, rather than what you like/miss.  Later, unpack boxes that aren't so important.  For instance, if you plan to cook, you would open kitchen boxes first.  By night, you will want to prepare for bed, so be sure linens, toiletries, towels and clothing are handy.

3.  Organize items based on convenience.  Take notice of the area.  Ask yourself, "What is it that I will use most often, less often, and what might I not need for a long time or if at all?"  Start sorting, shelving, and purging.

4.  Set up garbage bags for items you no longer need (check those expiration dates on your perishables).  Set aside some boxes for donated goods and label "DONATION."

5.  Return items to your roommates that accidently or purposely got placed in your boxes.  This eliminates future disputes.

6.  Once your needed items are unpacked, consider helping others out with unpacking and organizing their spaces.

7.  Don't give or throw away anything without permission.

8.  Be sure you clean off all shelves, cabinets, countertops, and other places before unpacking goods.  You never know what those spaces were used for.  Think about having a few air fresheners around.

9.  If necessary, before you unpack, use insect products to rid the place of any potential problems in the future.  Better safe than sorry later.

10.  Arrange furniture for comfort and not necessarily for style.  Sometimes people waste good wall space placing furniture where a useful item would be better suited.

Unpacking doesn't have to be overwhelming, but it can be challenging when people don't label things, mix up items with other roommates, don't properly pack, and have so many lose items thrown in boxes.  Save time by checking boxes for what is important while getting others to help with sorting. Best wishes!

NOTE: You can list in advance items you might need to help with organization.  This way you can simply transfer items for instance, from box to bin.  So if you know you are opening a cosmetic box, be sure you have a designated spot to take all items and place them neatly in bathroom cabinet or stored away in compartments inside a closet.  Things to look out for in department or hardware stores to help with storage:  plastic bins, decorative boxes, baskets, closet organizers and hangers, room dividers, wall shelves, dressers, and other similar items.  These work great for all sorts of things including clothing collectibles and paper.  Think of nontraditional items to organize things.  For example, instead of purchasing a filing cabinet for paper, consider decorative boxes.  Rather than, purchasing a foot rest for one function, consider one that has space for storing away items.  The ideas for displaying and storing goods are endless, let your mind wander!

Nicholl McGuire, What Else Can I Do on the Internet?


Organize the Thoughts in Your Head

As much as we don't want to admit it, but we forget things.  We tell ourselves we are going to remember something, but we don't.  The thoughts in our minds at times are endless and we lose our train of thought with the slightest distraction when we least expect it.

So those thoughts, the ones that show up and then fade away like the wind, pen them down.  Note them in a journal.  Call the notebook, "Thoughts" and list them.  They don't have to be organized initially.  You can always do that later especially if you start to notice some interesting patterns.

When the thoughts come to clean, cook, create, call, build, dream, quit something or whatever else.  Be sure you are writing in detail why it needs your attention.  The more you unleash what your inner spirit brings up, the less likely you won't go insane from keeping so much within.

1.  List your thoughts. (When you notice a pattern, begin to sort and label your thoughts.  For instance, if many thoughts are related to cooking, you would label the kinds of things you would like to cook and when as well as what might be needed to launch your ideas.)
2.  Provide details as to why they must be tended to.
3.  Add what tools/resources you might need to get certain things done.
4.  Note the names of people who are impacted.
5.  List what dates and times you intend to handle what comes up.
6.  Praise yourself when you have started working on your list.

Nicholl McGuire


How To Organize A Small Laundry Room

On Organizing the Back to School Shopping Trip, Supplies

So here we are again planning for another back to school shopping trip.  The weekends will be busy especially as it gets closer to mid-August when many students will arrive with backpacks and lunch boxes on that first day back.  Below is a list of many items that will be needed as well as some tips
to make your shopping trip a bit easier.

1.  Find out how much money you are willing to spend this year on back to school items by listing your important expenses and then redirecting money that would have spent on less important things into a back to school savings fund.  You can also determine the budget amount by taking a look at what the children presently need (go in closets, drawers, under beds, etc.)  Then researching online the cost of certain things.  For instance, if new pencils is on your list, ask what style might they want as well as the school requirement which is typically Dixon or Ticonderoga pencil brands.  Check for them and then note the cost.  Do the same with other things.

2.  When shopping for clothes, plan in advance what they will need to add to their wardrobe rather than overwhelming yourself with buying a lot of new items all at once.  You can extend the back to school shopping season by taking care to pay attention to what items are currently on sale.  For instance, many summer items will be heavily discounted and they can be paired with other things they might already have like: sweaters, sweatshirts, jeans, and skirts.  Check out my book Black Friday Cyber Monday Strategies to Use Year Round

3.  Don't forget to ask relatives and friends to pitch in when they can.  Rather than, buy gifts that have little to do with what your child needs, encourage them to give things that are beneficial to school.  From a gift card to a favorite clothing store to a brand new pair of shoes, suggest things that not only benefit your child, but your wallet too!

Here are some popular back to school items for any grade:

1.  Folder size backpack (There are schools that recommend not buying the backpacks with wheels).
2.  Pocket folders (various types with brads, plastic, etc.)
3.  Binders
4. Glue sticks and/or bottled glue
5.  Student scissors
6.  Personal pencil sharpeners
7.  Glue sticks
8.  Crayons
9.  Highlighters
10.  Washable markers
11. Flash drives
12. Erasers
13. Colored pencils
14.  Spiral notebooks
15.  Dry erase markers
16.  Rulers
17.  Home or laptop computer with Internet access
18. Pencils
19.  Pencil top erasers
20.  Composition book

Other supplies that parents and others typically donate:

1.  Xerox paper
2. Hand sanitizer
3.  Kleenex
4.  Clorox wipes
5. Zip lock bags

Now organizing all these supplies can be simple if you do the following:

1.  Designate a drawer, shelf or cabinet to your items.
2.  Sort by category.
3.  Label shelves, bins, or containers.
4.  Separate the items that will be going to school and those that will be staying home.  Place items going to school in backpack.
5.  Be sure small items have an easy to find home.
6.  Avoid the clutter, if you already have some items that no longer work, broken, or hasn't been used in years, rid yourself of them.  Make room for the new!
7.  Lastly, self-talk yourself out of buying more than you need.  Do you really need a box of 50 glue sticks or a 100 plus pencils.  If you should buy in bulk, consider sharing with other parents or teachers.  If you should buy a lot of certain items, do consider that over time things like markers will go bad, glue will dry out, and sometimes cheap paper even starts to discolor.  Try not to obtain more than you need. 

Happy shopping!

Nicholl McGuire

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