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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query chairs. Sort by date Show all posts


Simple Moving Advice: Large Apartment to Smaller One

It's that time of year again to determine whether you will be living in your current apartment or moving. The rent has become unaffordable now that you are no longer receiving the income you once had. As you look around your apartment, you have to make the painful decision of what you will pack and what will be sold, given and thrown away. This is a personal time for you that may be best spent alone before you invite the family over to help you pack.

Begin to make a list or sort the items that mean the most to you by thinking, "If there were a fire what would I absolutely become depressed about it if I lost it?" Pack those things first. For some people it may be their treasured photos, diaries, family videos, certificates, awards, and jewelry. Include important insurance and tax information in boxes or suitcases that will be easy to find and unpack later.

Next, you may want to start with your collection of media removing all items that you don't watch, read or listen to anymore. Try to sell what you can through classifieds, fliers, yard sales, flea markets, and the Internet. What doesn't sell you can offer it to a media exchange outlet that will give you money for your used goods or give it to a donation center. Perform the same sorting method with clothes, shoes, kitchen appliances, living and dining room décor and furniture, and unopened beauty and cleaning products that you never bothered using.

Once you have emptied out shelves and cabinets, be sure to throw away unnecessary papers, pens, damaged magazines (but try to sell the good ones,) and miscellaneous parts that are broke and you don't have the need for anymore. Oftentimes, companies will specifically make a part for a certain item that can't be used on anything else. Loose change may be found in peculiar places as you pack, jar it and take it to a coin center that will count your money. Most of these machines can be found in grocery stores.

After you have parted with some of your belongings and got rid of the items you considered useless, you will want to decide on whether your new apartment will be able to accommodate the large sofa and chairs or the huge entertainment center you may have bought not that long ago. If you choose to sell it, then you will have additional space in your new place that you may need. However, if you don't, you may have to sacrifice something else. Some people will invest in storage, but is it really worth paying to store items that you just don't know when you will be able to get out? If you are renting furniture then you won't have to bother with storing or selling anything; however, you may want to consider losing the additional expense if you don't have any of the furniture nearly paid off (such as 3 to 6 months left on your bill until you own it.) If saving money is a priority, then avoid storing or renting items.

Think about turning off any unnecessary luxuries and keeping them turned off temporarily such as the cable package with all the extra movie channels or the Internet service. Allow yourself some time to get caught up on other bills before you have your service continued. Check your cell phone plan is it better than most? Could you save money by switching? Make the time to shop at stores that offer rewards for being their customer and use coupons at grocery stores that will double them. These attempts at saving money will provide you with the additional money to get caught up on bills, make small purchases for your new home, and save for emergencies. Make a promise to yourself that you will be more careful with how you spend your money in the future so that you may never have to downgrade to a smaller apartment again, because you can't afford the rent.

The last thing on your "to do" list once you have sorted and packed all the items you decided to keep, should be to purchase the items you will need to help you live organized and clutter free. The following list will help you decide what you will need to buy based on what you may or may not have.

Anything that can be mounted to the wall, get the mounts to do it. If you have no free storage room at your new apartment complex and you have a bike, mount it to a wall to make more room and keep the tires off the floor. Also, purchase a TV mount with a VCR or DVD section like the ones you may have seen at the doctor's office. They aren't cheap, but they will definitely provide you with the additional space that an entertainment center takes up.

Any books, CDs, or DVDs that you kept can be set on a wall shelf. Collectibles can also be placed in a curio cabinet or something similar that suspends to a wall. Photos in boxes may be sorted and placed in large picture frames and hung on walls. Keepsake mementos can be framed allowing you to get rid of old shoeboxes and photo albums. You can also create more space for your media by purchasing a traveling CD case and getting rid of the CD stand along with the jewel cases.

If you don't have a bed rail or box frame with drawers for a bed, then consider buying one. They will provide the extra storing space you will need for your bedroom items. For the bed rail frames, they will set your bed higher allowing space for plastic containers to be stored.

Don't cramp any of your rooms with useless whimsical furniture that can hold or store any additional items. Keep only the tables that can hold a lamp and some magazines or have drawers.

Don't go overboard with décor. Too many collectibles and décor will make your apartment feel crowded. If you aren't use to a lot of décor, don't start. In time you will have to dust those items and if you don't like to dust, don't get them.

Avoid the temptation to unpack anything that you know you don't need to use on a daily basis. Any large boxes that aren't being unpacked, you can always drape them with a pretty fabric (such as curtains) and make them as a corner table or nightstand in your bedroom. Another way to hide unpacked boxes is to suspend a curtain from the ceiling and hide items behind the curtain, now you have just created your own mini storage room.

Consider back of the door organizers for the bathroom and bedroom. Since drawer and shelf space may be limited, you may want to place your smaller items in the pockets. In the bathroom, if there is space over the toilet, use that space for additional shelving to store towels and washcloths. If you run out of drawer room above the sink, use shoebox containers to store additional items or a drawer organizer or bin for easy access to your grooming supplies.

The most chairs you may need for entertaining is two reading chairs in the living room, if you don't have the space for a large couch. This will also provide the space for your computer desk and office chair. Unless you must have a coffee table, keep it only if it has drawers they would be helpful to your storing needs. It isn't necessary to keep end tables unless you have the space for them. They can sometimes be more of a problem then a solution. When guest come over the tables tempt them to want to eat and drink in your living room increasing the risk for accidents that may stain the owner's carpet that you will have to eventually pay for out of your security deposit.
You may or may not have a dining room. If you do, then you will need at least one large cabinet that you could place your collectibles if it has a display case. If you don't have any collectibles to display, then purchase a cabinet with doors that you could store coats, umbrellas, hats and other outdoor apparel and sporting equipment.

Consider packing all of your keepsakes in those empty suitcases you will be storing in your bedroom. Since you won't be doing a lot of traveling, why have them in your closet empty? Organize your shoes with a shoe organizer. As for bulky items, the space saver bags that have been advertised on TV in the past will definitely come in handy.

In the kitchen, wall space can also be best used for large skillets and pans. Purchase hooks that can hold items inside the cupboard. The space over the sink could use a nice shelf to hold lighter items. Purchase shelving for seasonings if there is an empty wall near the stove. Extra kitchen utensils can be placed in casserole dishes or other large containers if you run out of drawer room. Keep only your best cleaning products, the ones that can be used on a variety of surfaces. Too many cleaners that only work for specific tasks can take up a lot of space in the bottom of your cabinet. Buy a very large plastic bowl, basket or rack to organize those items. You will need something that can remove all of your items under the sink at one time in case there are ever any leaks.

As you visit various stores, you will come up with more ways to make your apartment more organized and efficient. Remember to take this time to enjoy your new life and appreciate your new home no matter how small it may be. Think of the money you will be able to save in the future, hopefully for a down payment on a new home!

Nicholl McGuire


10 Handy Must-Haves for Your Apartment When You Have Nothing & a Limited Budget

Whether you are moving to a house or an apartment, there are some handy must-haves that will surely make your living quarters neater and help you maintain your household.  You can find most of these items at local discount and department stores.

1.  Garbage can that keeps odors contained.  Why advertise last night's meal throughout your home from the trash can?  Look for garbage cans that seal odors.

2.  Decorative boxes or bins.  These come in handy when you want to keep papers organized and out of site, clothing, shoes or anything else.  The ordinary plastic bins are helpful when its time to move, one less thing to pack!

3.  Shoe rack.  What to do, what to do with all those shoes?  Nowadays there are shoe benches, shoe cabinets, and other shoe compartments that organize shoes while keeping them hidden.

4.  Drawer organizers.  From utensils to cosmetics, these organizers keep everything neatly arranged and the great thing about them is when it's time to move, you can just take them out and put them in a box without all the fuss, and if something spills you don't have to worry about the bottom of the drawer being forever damaged.

5.  Folding table and chairs (outside or indoor).  Let's say that you just can't transport, afford or fit a large dining table at this time.  Your folding table and chairs will not only help you in the meantime, but you can later use them for the yard sale you might have one day, a party, keep children busy, or for some other good reason.  Always keep these around, you never know.

6.  Air beds.  Whether you need them for a guest or to sleep on for the time being, the air beds are indeed helpful when you temporarily have no bed for yourself or a guest.

7.  Desk lamps with compartments and a writing desk.  Easy to transport, don't take up a lot of space and will remain with you for years.  A desk lamp with an attachment for organizing things will help keep your desk area tidy.  A writing desk can be used for a computer, TV, or some other electronic device when you don't have much money for furniture.  You can also build your own desk too with a number of items.  See YouTube for ideas.

8.  Basic kitchen tools that have dual functions.  You don't need a lot of kitchenware just your essentials.  One frying pan that has some sections in it to cook other things, a pot that can also be used to steam some things, a mixing bowl that has measurements, a soup bowl with a pour spout or dip, plates that are microwaveable, cup or glass that stays cold, and tableware that is rust and stain resistant along with a spatula that not only flips but can also hold on to items, a large spoon for not only dipping but mixing, and of course traditional butter and cutting knives that we have all seen used for a variety of functions.  Buying items with dual functions helps you save money.

9.  Curtains.  If your apartment has blinds you won't need curtains unless you just plan on decorating or energy saving.  Now good energy saving curtains are great if you have the kind of place that has a lot of sun or doesn't tend to stay cool or keep heat well.  The curtains will shade the sun and help you save on your electricity bill by keeping cool or hot air in depending on the season.  Curtains can also be used for walkways that don't have doors, as room dividers and also to cover unsightly walls. 

10. Bathroom.  Your bathroom essentials: a wash cloth, hand towel, bath towel, shower curtain and hooks, along with a great shower organizer is really all you need.  However, the shower organizer will keep your items you use everyday in one place-- not as important as needing soap, but still a good item to have.  But what to do with everything else when space is limited?  How about a bathroom shelf organizer or a small cabinet for storing.  You might also want to keep your bathroom trash out of site, so get a garbage can for the bathroom too that keeps the odors in and trash covered.   

Bonus:  Your bedroom essentials: at least one dresser or a similar organizer for clothes that don't need to be hung.  From plastic and cardboard dressers and bins to wicker baskets, there are so many items that keep clothes organized. 

For your bed, instead of buying a bed in a bag with pillows, shams, bed skirts etc. get a few needed sheet sets and a blanket.  You save money this way.  A storage chest at the foot of the bed helps keep your bedroom tidy.
Things like electronic gadgets, decorative picture frames, area rugs, and other items that are typically not used everyday, are usually unnecessary for someone who doesn't have much money, so why not direct your budget toward the things that will help you get organized first.  Need something to hold your cds? Get a shelf unit.  Need a stand for your TV?  Check a thift store. 

If it isn't an item that is going to improve your life in some way, then it isn't helpful or essential when you don't have much money.  Maybe you might need a slow-cooker or a kitchen grill because time is important and you don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, then be sure you put money aside for these things as well. 

You might be someone who collects many things and would like a way to keep them organized and off the floor, then consider investing in some wall shelving units.  Whatever your need, look elsewhere on this site based on it and find more tips.

Nicholl McGuire maintains this site and is a writer.  Feel free to view her work on her personal blog.


10 Odd Things You Might Want to Clean After the Guests Leave

With so much activity in one's home, it is any wonder that anything stays clean!  But when a home has so many guests visiting, things are bound to get dirty.  Here are some things you might not have thought to clean after your guests have left.

1.  The receivers of telephones, cell phones.

2.  Top, sides and back of chairs and arm rests.

3.  TV remote controls and gaming equipment.

4.  Door knobs.

5.  Light switches.

6.  Faucet handles.

7. Toilet handles.

8.  Keyboards.

9.  Kitchen handles.

10.  Refrigerator door.

The previously mentioned things are big germ carriers!  A disinfect spray or antibacterial soap is helpful.  Notice the dirt that comes off some of these places after you wipe--yuck! 

Have a Happy "Cold Free" New Year! 

Nicholl McGuire


How to Get Organized for the Artist

How to Organize Your Workplace

Some artists have an issue with keeping everything organized. A way to solve this problem is to separate things into different spaces. All the work should be in a certain space and there should be a drafting table for the work to be completed on. There should also be a drafting chair to sit in and get comfortable while creating art. Art is something that is created and for most people getting creative requires a comfortable and organized workspace. Separating certain things into certain areas would really create a different space to work in.

The table where an artist created their art at should be used for one purpose and that is all. This purpose is to create art. If the drafting table is all cluttered with papers and things it is next to impossible to be creative and get work done. It does not take much effort to clean up the work area so there really is no excuse not to. A good drafting table that is clean and organized can make a huge difference. It is a much more efficient workspace. It is also much less stressful without the clutter and disorganization.

Having an organized drafting table is one thing that can be extremely helpful, but it is not the only thing. Having a comfortable, efficient drafting chair can make a difference. It may not seem like it would make a huge difference to have a chair with the drafting table, but it does. Without the chair the table would be pointless. The chair could create a feeling of limited stress, which can bring a feeling of relief. When this feeling is present working is much easier. The drafting chair does not have to be top of the line expensive it just has to get the job done.

There are many things that can be done to organize a place of work. The first thing to do is to get rid of any clutter around. This just eliminates the things in the space that are pointless and meaningless to the job that is being accomplished. When there is a clear area to work in, more can be accomplished in less time. It is a lot easier, less stressful, and much more efficient. It is not a hard task to complete if it is done the right way. There are also many ways that you can organize a space. It can be done in any way that is necessary to meet any particular expectations.

Organization can be the key to success. It is not something that is extremely difficult. If things are kept organized in a place of business than the potential of something going wrong is slim to none. The important key is to have certain spaces for certain things. For example having a drafting table and chair are used for drawing or anything else only. If the desk becomes used for other things it loses its general purpose and most of the time it is hard to restore it to how it used to be used.

Connor Sullivan usually buys his drafting tables online for his office. He also purchased drafting chairs online for the office as well.

Event Planner, Host - What Do You Still Need to Do?

When it comes down to the wire of hosting an event or inviting people over, be sure you have the basics covered.  One of the biggest issues guests have when they show up at someone's home is not feeling comfortable.  Furniture is arranged in such a way that people can't talk with one another.  Children are all over the place.  The bathroom isn't kept tidy and toilet paper runs out.  Meals are cold or uncooked.  Be sure the little things are taken care of, and even if some things don't work out, don't beat yourself up!  The goal was to get everyone together and you did it!

Organize and Clean

What do you have left to organize?  Is there something unsightly sitting out that should be put in a closet or a room?  Can you cover the items with festive table cloths or sheets?  What are some things that have yet to be cleaned?  Walls, floors, and surface tops are a few of things that the eye will take notice of.  So walk your home and be sure you don't have the following:  insects decorating it, markings on walls, and dirty or stained carpets that scream, "Clean me!"  Even though some people will say, "Why bother, it will all get dirty anyway?"  Do bother, because your home is a reflection of you and your family.  People will talk negatively when one's home is unorganized, smells funny, and unattractive and most likely will not return.  Don't forget to have air fresheners in place and put unused shoes in closets after you spray them well!

Meal Planning

What is left to arrange?  Tables and chairs are most important. You might want to double check how people will get to the food and desserts.  Also, is there beverages for both adults and children?  Will vegans, diabetics and others with health conditions have anything special to eat?  Check to see if there will be enough of the favorite edibles too.

Gift Shopping/Wrapping

What are some things that you still need to wrap?  Could some of those items simply be placed in gift bags or draped over for a surprise unveiling?  Did you get everyone on your gift list something?  Do you have extras just in case someone unexpectedly shows up at your home?  Some last minute gift ideas include: gift cards, candles, gift baskets, t-shirts, organizers with useful materials inside, stocking stuffer with sweet candies, and handy tools.

Phone Calls

Have you confirmed who is coming and who isn't?  Are there people who still need to let you know what they are bringing?  You might want to follow-up.  Is there something you still need?  Ask before they show up empty-handed.

Enlist Help

When there is so much to do and little time to do it, ask a neighbor, friend, or relative for his or her assistance.  Is there furniture that still needs to be moved?  Things that need to be cleaned?  Items that need organized?  Someone who has little to do would be more than happy to help.

Other things you might want to consider: Where will your guests store coats?  Is there a table for children to eat?  Is there an area for children to play?  Is your bathroom well stocked?

Now that your memory is jogged, get to work!  Here's wishing you nothing but good for your holiday celebrating!

Nicholl McGuire also maintains When Mothers Cry, a blog about mothers who are overwhelmed with useful resources and tips to help with motherhood challenges.

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