When one is given a problem to solve, most likely he or she will find the most simplest way to solve it without having to do much--pass the buck for starters. But given the condition of our world lately with such dark ideologies often shoved down our throats, one can't help but feel a need to do something. Consider our workplaces, schools, families, neighbors, churches, and more that are in need of a serious house-cleaning mentally, physically or spiritually.
So how might one tackle such daunting tasks when it comes to organizing people and events?
Ask Questions
Most events are organized based on a simple question, why? For example, why is this person/place/thing causing XYZ situation? What might be done to make things right/better/different? When the problem shows up in your department, household or elsewhere, your responsibility is to find answers to solve the why. But far too many people rather look the other way. Build relationships with people who feel the same way you do. Start by creating an online community, blog, forum, post thoughts on popular social networking sites, distribute fliers offline or advertise to generate interest.
Cut Back on Unnecessary Distractions
Distracted by fashion, technological devices, foolish media stories, money, fame, celebrities, music, personal successes and failures, one doesn't sit quiet long enough to contemplate. Unimportant things become all-too important, "I'm watching TV...I need to surf the Internet right now...I have to buy some accessories for my phone...I'm listening to my music, what do you want?" Allow yourself some time to think! Manipulators, liars, greedy, angry and selfish individuals would rather not give you any free time for yourself, because they innately know that if you start thinking too long about them and what they are doing, you will stop forking over your money, energy and time. What better way to make the perfect mind-controlled slave out of you?
Plan to Make Changes
Act on Your Thoughts and Enlist the Help of Others
Some just might answer the call to organize, but for how long? After one's personal prayers have been answered (regarding a selfish need), he or she typically bails out from his or her calling to draw attention to a societal ill that may or may not directly impact him or her. "Sorry, I have no time now that I am working...I started helping out the group in the past, but they didn't have any money to pay me so I stopped...I could have done more, but you know I have grandchildren who need things...I am so busy and I have my own children to be concerned about...I wish I could help but I have so much studying to do now that I am in college." If one is open to receiving some help, he or she can pass the baton to those who have more time and energy on their hands to keep the protest/event/group/idea going.
Avoid the Temptation to Procrastinate or Give Up
Some may start to do well organizing people and events until someone or something cuts in on his or her race. Now all things get put on hold. You might be the one who started doing something, but never finished. You may even feel like it's too late to do anything more. Old plans can be tweaked, destroyed, rebuilt, or passed on to others who do have the energy to work them. But whatever you do, don't stop doing whatever it is that you know inyour heart is what's right no matter what criticism you might receive from the haters.
What event, group, protest, or other significant thing did you do in the past, recently or feel moved to do now? What is the "why" that you need to answer?
The next time you feel an overwhelming emotion to do something to get someone or group to consider what they are or aren't doing to help others, answer the call! Remind yourself to write the letter, make the phone call, get people to sign a petition, create the support group, organize the protest pass the torch, or whatever else you need to do to make a difference.
Once your own household is organized, the time will come to organize someone else's from the inside out, motivate yourself now to get ready to work! Look around your world for a moment. Good times don't last for long--take a stand, you are never too old, too young, or too poor.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of the following books:
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic https://www.createspace.com/3437273
When Mothers Cry https://www.createspace.com/3393499
Laboring to Love Myself https://www.createspace.com/3401526
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate https://www.createspace.com/3332346
Floral Beauty on a Dead End Street http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/904839
Spiritual Poems By Nicholl http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/3113926
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